Wednesday, September 26, 2007

An Autumn Day

Today was an Autumn day alrighty - strueth! I am sitting here at our dinning room table and looking out at the forest and there is a patch of red poking it's way through trying to get noticed(you need to spot it at 10 o'oclock - if you click on the photo it comes up larger and you can spot it). It is quite amazing really the colours of Autumn here, and this one is kind of hiding away amoungst the greenery and telling us that the fall is here. Now I know why these northern hemisphere folks call it the fall. It really is quite different here with all the falling leaves. Probably as many evergreens we have in NZ, here we have those shedding their leaves ....(side note - oh my gawd my language is changing! If I speak Kiwi they often do not understand so I think how the Americans might say it - and that ususally works.) It is pretty miserable weather, but the colours are so lovely I just had to share it with you.

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