Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Buying of the Bikes

Well today, as you know we drove to the land of the Germans. ‘T was an interesting day and not quite what we expected. For us Kiwis it was way cool to be in three countries in one day, as we had to drive through Holland to get to where we were going. 250km later we arrives (slight Gollum slip) at this place called Biketown – more like Bike Heaven it should have been called. Mike walked in and expressed his delight – like Wo… this place is way cool! Greg was like a the 5 year old boy who just spied the humongous man-hand-size lollipop with all the colours of the rainbow in the lolly shop.

Sue saw the red bike – entitled Tribal Lipstick and said – THAT’S ME!!!!

Kris said – ME TOO!!!!!!!!

It took us quite a while to work out the “system”, but once we did, we finally had some service. So who is in need of a bike? … me I said, me too says Mike, actually we are after four bikes (enter the other half of team Duvel)… Four bikes???? (wide round saucer eyes and raised eyebrows)… Yes please (looks of glee on all five faces).

Several thousand euros later and rescuing by a mate of Greg, saw us at the home of said mate 20 km away sipping aperitifs, with gourmet smells coming from the kitchen and toasting “The Buying of the Bikes”. Enormous thanks to Holger and his family for a wonderful après shopping experience.

Two and a half hours later, return we do to our Doglets, thoroughly spoilt by Aunty Nicky and Uncle Neil today. On the way back we thought – where do all the Dutchies caravans go in the winter? Is there like a caravan land somewhere where they store them, ‘cause we never see them in their driveways and seriously folks most of them don’t have driveways. In fact they don’t have a huge amount of room in that country! So can anyone tell us?

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