Sunday, September 2, 2007

Frodo & Forrests Habits

We thought you might enjoy this one. We came across it while we were doing our financial planning today.

In June this year our very neighbourly neighbour, Neil, took us to the England Brazil football game in the new Wembley stadium. We were stoked, not to put too finer point on it, so we decided to spend the weekend in London and went to see Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's Theatre the next night. So Nicky offered to dog-sit our little ones. She wanted to make sure she did the right thing, so asked for instructions, and this is what she got!

The boys sleep in separate beds……..Forrest has the larger Frodo in the smaller. They normally wake up at 7:30 on the dot but this may change due to a new environment……! If they start to peep just growl their names “Frodo Forrest” and they will go back to sleep.

Note: Forrest/Frodo sometimes dreams, he lets out little barks, cries and twitches all over……this is normal Yorkie behavior.

The Business
First thing in the morning both straight outside……..! Number 1s and 2s. Note: if they do not play ball, after they have eaten, they must go outside! Around 3pm they will go again or Frodo will go on a walk but Forrest will normally wait till he’s back home……nice boy (just like Oma)!

We feed the boys after they have been out in the morning and at around 7pm. No real set time, when ever…..they will be very restless if you forget……! Three portions of food in each bowl. Please feed apart from each other by a few meters cause if they fight this is the time! Warning…. Frodo the inhaler will drop his food in under 60 seconds ... cough, splutter and will want Forrest’s. This is normal Yorkie Frodo behavior.

If Forrest is not eating and you are worried then put hot water in his food and when it cools feed him………guarantee he will eat the lot! I do this in the morning for them as something different but it’s not necessary.

Note: If you feed them treats during the course of the day they may not eat their dinner…….! Don’t be alarmed if this occurs unlike Hounds they will not over eat because it’s there……!

Forrest walks on the let Frodo on the right. Forrest red lead Frodo blue. You do not have to walk them each day they get lots of exercise around the house……..! but they like walks like any other dog. Note: the word ‘walk’ causes huge amount of adrenaline and excitement, use this word at own risk! doubleyew ay el kay works when you want to keep the adrenaline from kicking in. (note this does not work for Beauzy in NZ anymore as he learned to spell!!!!)

Take no crap from them if they are playing up. Normal Yorkie behavior if you need to punish them, which may occur, then put them under cold water. It does not hurt them but they know then. I’m sure you will not need to but something may occur with your two being there as well! Fighting for us is ‘major sin number 1’ punishment by water…….!

Toys: Orange Lion/Monkey favorite toy - his name is Ape (pronounced arpee)
Warning……after 7pm this toy may need to be hidden as Frodo likes to shag and get excited with it……..! Usually funny and entertaining but Frodo puts his heart into it and it can take a long time before he will settle down if you know what I mean!
Second warning….. once toy removed Frodo will find next best thing! He will only settle at night if there are no toys to play with!
Third warning……..throw and fetch, favourite game, causes human frustration after some time. Play at own risk as boys (Frodo) will not stop!

Not much more habits that need mentioning Have fun and enjoy their personalities.

PS: No beer, wine or any alcohol at all……….we can not afford rehab for them!

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