Monday, February 1, 2010

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Sunday, December 13, 2009

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wave Pics

Well i guess its time for another post. I've been a bit slack on it lately. War of the Worlds was awesome and I even had a dip in the sea, which was freezing btw.

Now I am back in Oman and it is typically 45 - 50 degees during the day and 90% humidity. It's ugly! My sunglasses fog up when I go outside, and I can hardly see for the glare!

2 weeks to go on this rotation and I am now looking forward to summer holiday in northern Italy a week or so after I get back - yipee and I get to spend 4 weeks at home this time.

I came across these wave pics and thought you might also enjoy them....Enjoy!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Five go mad in Brighton!

Finally, a new post! Yes it's been a while. It's been a busy month, and I really didn't feel much like blogging anyway.

But now I do, totally excited to go see Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds on stage in Brighton this weekend. The plan was for 8, but now only 5 can come. But we'll have a great time anyway.

Check it out....

Friday, May 22, 2009

Going Private - Bulletin

Hey all. We have decided to make this blog private - i.e. not open to any man and his dog on the internet. We will send an invitation to all our friends and family which will give you access instructions to see this blog.

If you are not a member of our immediate family leave a comment here with your email address and we will add you to the list.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All organised for War of the Worlds - well semi

At the end of June we are going to see Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds on stage in Brighton, UK ... beam me to the web page . I finally booked the train tickets to London which was the last thing to do. Accomodation was booked in February for 8, I swear we got the last 4 rooms in Brighton.

We got 8 tickets last year in October when they went on sale, so we are going with Celine, Laurent, Clare, Clare's friend, and hopefully Ronaye and Glenn can make it all the way from NZ. Glenn has requested a flight (pilot for AirNZ) to London at that time which will see him with a few days in London, hopefully at the perfect time. Ronaye and I will finish our next rotation in Oman, almost together a week before the concert, so if it works out we might get to spend some good girlie time in Belgium that week - and it is her birthday that week too - so it could rock!

Only one slight snag.....the company that sold all the tickets has gone into recievership - but we have had official word another compnay will make all their best efforts to get the tickets out to the rightful owners before the concert - here's with fingers crossed.....otherwise we might just be having a hoolie on the town in Brighton that night - us and thousands of others that have planned to see the concert.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Some proof that I really do work in an oil field

Well I guess it is about time for a blog. The last three weeks were really busy and I didn't make much time to blog.

This time I spent 4 days at the field, which is about 600km south of Muscat in the middle of the desert. Here is a few photos of me and Ronaye getting down and dirty at the coal face.
It is getting up to 50 degrees at the peak of the day now in Mukhaizna, and about 39 in Muscat. Luckily the humidity has not started yet in Muscat, but it is on it's way. It's gonna be ugly when I get back next time.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sonata Arctica Tallulah Music Video IA®

Another for your enjoyment.

Sonata Arctica - White Pearl, Black Oceans

It's the theatricallity of the mmusic that I like I think - warning it is 8 and a half minutes long...check out the animation in this video. It is amazing what they can do now.

Sonata Arctica- Shamandalie

A collegue introduced me to these guys and I have been maxing out on their albumn Reckoning Night.

These guys are total nutters - but make my life fun...

Two important traits for the Oil Field - Simplicity and Vulgarity

Monday, April 20, 2009

Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 (With Lyrics)

Well apparently the world is going crazy about this? It does bring a tear to your eye.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kitchen diaries

This guy is the best, he had me in stitches.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Becky from Dublin

This is brilliant. LMAO.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Hans Zimmer - Now We Are Free

A lovely spring day in the Flemish country side

Well, after much craziness finally I have had a chance to wind down today - and a beautiful spring day it was. Sorry for Mik who is still suffering a bit from the jetlag, and as I write he is in bed after the day at work - but back to me!.... this morning when we got up it was zero and minus 2 through the valley on the way to drop Mik off at work. The sun warmed it all up really quick and by 10am it was 4 degrees by the time I picked Mik up again it was 11 degrees - woohoo double figures!

But in between all that, I managed to have lunch with a good friend, who is not so happy as she is paying two motgages after buying a new apartment at the same time we bought and not being able to sell the other one due to the whole economic crash - and on top of it all worried about loosing her job. So we consoled each other with .... 'So long as we have our health and the ones we love close to us - then houses, and money and jobs can go by the by - so long as we can have some semblance of a roof over our heads.'

Also lately, thanks to my Scottish collegue, (whom I respect immensely for some things).... I have been enjoying the music of Hans Zimmer lately and managed to finally download a compilation of his works today. Here is a great piece above .....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

On Green Day's Whatsername

I have been totally hoooked on Green Day lately, particularly their American Idiot album. Whatsername is one of my favourite and I think I listen to it, at least three times a day if not more.

This video is a bit lame, but it really does not need visuals there is plenty of colour in the music, and clever lyrics too.

"Thought I ran into you down on the street,
Then it turned out to only be a dream,
I made a point to burn all of the photographs,
She went away and then I took a different path,
I remember the face, but I can't recall the name,
Now I wonder how whatsername has been...

Seems that she disappeared without a trace,
Did she ever marry old whatshisface,
I made a point to burn all of the photographs,
She went away and then I took a different path,
I remember the face, but I can't recall the name,
Now I wonder how whatsername has been...

Remember, whatever,
It seems like forever ago!
Remember, whatever,
It seems like forever ago!
The regrets are useless,
In my mind,
She's in my head,
I must confess!
The regrets are useless,
In my mind,
She's in my head,
From so long ago!
(Go... go... go... go...)
(Go... go... go... go... go...)

And in the darkest night,
If my memory serves me right,
I'll never turn back time!
Forgetting you, but not the time!"

Green Day's Whatsername

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

One week to go...

Well, one week left to go and I get to be with my beloved boys again. Now is about the time I get a bit sick of restaraunt food and just need to comforts of my own space and junk around me. Although I am managing to gather some junk here - books mainly.

I have had some good experiences though this time. It has gotten to the point where I don't have to sit in my room night after night watching movies or reading books. I now have a social life! I can now sit by the pool in the evening and run into someone I know if I want to. Some stay also in the hotel, some I work with who come to drink at the bar and others who just come for the same reason, a chat or a drink or to sit by the pool and read their book or newspaper.

Oh yes and yesterday was an interesting thought. Mubarak, the Egyptian President and Prime Minister arrived in Muscat for a formal two day visit. They closed the roads off for the afternoon so we all got to leave the office early, to make it back to our homes before it got chaotic on the roads. There was major security alert as the guy is considered a terrorist target. Thoughts that go through my head on the way home from work yesterday....

"Hmmmmm, I am drving through a city where there is a major terrorits target arriving is probabaly a good thing that I am not staying at the Grand Hyatt this time as he probabably is. Thank you Radisson for not being flash enough for visiting seems like a good time to soak up some that 32 degrees in the shade by the pool."

So I did.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chris Isaak - Wicked Game (Live)

7 days down

So my warning was not far off, was it? But even still I have been working long hours as the pressure comes on a bit at work.

Mik is off to New Zealand tonight. So he is busy making sure all his i's are dotted and t's crossed. I am 7 days down and 14 to go, but my girlfriend comes back from the field today so we have 5 days together to spend some of our hard earned cash. Last time before I left I discovered a whole new wing of the mall that we never knew existed so I am looking forward to show her that. It is the designer shops....can't understand how come I had not sniffed it out before. Very excited.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Discovered Facebook

Well, now that I have discovered facebook, the blogs might get a bit less sorry. I am having a great time connecting with old friends and catching up on how their lives have changed in the last 20 years.

Sue goes back to work for another 21 days and Mik is off to NZ for a much needed holiday and catch up with family.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

A poetry day

I am having a real poetry day today. Mik bought me the complete works of John Keats for a birthday one year and he reminded me last night that I have never read it - but that is not quite true I have picked it up a couple of times and it not the sort of thing one reads from cover to cover, and quite honestly I find it quite hard work as the language is so old, one really has to study it rather than simply read it. So today I decided to make some time for poetry and inspired by Keats and some French friends of mine with a lust for life and each other I found this one...

Celine & Lorenzo dance on a Saturday night

Dancing twirling laughing nymphs
Lunging at life from up high on a plinth
Telling the world that they better take care
For Lorenzo and Celine are making it here
To take it all for what it is worth
And make revelry dance and be wild in the mirth
For life is for love and the world is the stage
And we make it all now for tomorrow we age

Mik, Celine and Laurent - aka Lorenzo dancing on a Saturday night.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A few days rest in Oman - the story

I thought I better give ayou a bit of a story to go with the pictures.

We had a wonderful couple of days rest in Oman and made sure it was not a wirl wind. Actually the day before Mik arrived the wind whipped up and there was quite a sand storm, but it settled by the afternoon of the first day and we managed to see some rays by the pool. That morning we went for a walk down the beach, and as you can see there was a bit of surf. It reminded me a lot of the North Taranaki coast, except the tide was a lot shorter. It was nice just to wander along the beach with our shoes off and jeans rolled up. We both realised how much we miss the sea. Still it is lovely here in the Flemish country side, but there is something special about the sea for those that grew up by it. A lot like that mountain of ours too ... for those who don't what I mean here he is...

Taranaki from Paul G's Yacht.

The next day we checked out and went for a drive to Muttrah and old Muscat and mananged some bargaining in the market place, which they call the souq. We found the silver and gold souq too, and were aghast at the beautiful jewlery, which I am totally going to have to introduce Ronaye to when we get back again - sorry Glenn...

It was a magic blue day and we were planning to also spend the afternoon by the pool but we got back to the hotel and they had closed the pool area for a special valentines day party, which one had to buy tickets for. So we crashed the Hyatt instead and sat by their pool for the afternoon and enjoyed the spa pool in the evening. The retaraunt by the pool turned into a Japanese restaraunt by night so we enjoyed an awesome meal - there we were, a couple of mad kiwis in the middle east eating sushi and sahimi and drinking New Zealand Sauvingnon Blanc.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I learned something new today...which is always good for the soul

My taste in music is broadening ... it turns out Gorillaz is a virtual band - I never realized there was such a thing, and if you you tube/google 'Gorillaz live' you can see they perform live as animated characters also - but they haven't toured since 2002 by the looks. If you want to know more about Gorillaz click here, which is a Wikipedia site and then I read Amy MacDonald's blog today and she said she tried to correct Wikipedia's article on her and they told her to stuff off - how bizarre! click here to see her comments on the article about her on Wikipedia - oh dear wiki was always my first line of on line knowledge until know.

I do think she is doing some good stuff too - my faith in new music is restored... see .

I also saw a very cool movie today - because I got sick again and this time quite terribly so I had to stay in my room all day - Mike knows all about it for sure, he listened to my whining for two days now - but the movie was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, adapted from a 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and I enjoyed it. It is a saga but worth the time, if you have it... click here to see the tralier

Gorilaz - 19-2000

And this was the first one that attracted me.

Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood

I have been really enjoying these guys lately. I really like the fact that they are always animated, and sometimes their pieces are about the poetry, sometimes about the rhythm and sometimes the melody. They never do just one formula - I like that - it's varied.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A trip to the field - Mukhaizna

Back again. Well another two weeks have gone by and it has a bit of a whirlwind this time.

I got ot the field this week for the first time and it was a different world. The field is massive - there is two and the whole complex is about 30 km by 10 km. I did take some photos, on a collegue's camera - I do not have them yet, but here are a few google images for your interest.

Living quarters

Beam Pump

Somewhere in the field
It was as flat and brown as the eye could see. It looked to me like the blue sky on the horizon was the sea but the further you drove the sea never appeared. The temperature range was large. About 5 degrees in the morning to the mid to late 30's during the day. That's winter - in summer the days are in the mid to late 40's.
You can read little bit more about the project if you click here.

On another subject - I have been quiet of late as I am in a different hotel this time and the "high Speed internet" is totally ridiculous. Thank god for all the movies I downloaded onto my laptop when I was at home, as I simply can not download anything with the speeds they have here. I can not even listen to a continous sample of music on i-tunes, and it takes about 10 minutes to download one song. At home we are getting a whole album in that time. So as you can tell I have been a little frustrated on the entertainment front. On advise from one's ITlearned husband, I did a speedtest and found I was getting just over 200 kb/s - dial up is faster than that!!!!

Anyway, 14 days down, 7 to go until my beloved comes and we can spend some time in the sun.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello again

Well, it seems like everyone is back into it, except me and Jo. But we could excuse Jo, as she is probably on summer holidays.

It's been a bloggy while, due to the fact that I couldn't possibly blog about the weather one more time, plus I have been working, and it seemed that it had been a relatively uneventful 10 days in our household. Buying a house seems to have put paid to all those fancy weekends away - but it is great having our own house again, even if it means digging up and unblocking drains in the cold rain on the weekends. We finally got the laundry out of the kitchen and into the garage, which is brillirant, so we can at least put in a dishwasher and then soon a brand new kitchen. Yay - priority number one next rotation out, to finalise ordering the new kitchen.

We did find a good source of latest movies too, to while away for hours while in Oman. Yip, back again to the Omani land on Thursday. Mike is coming to meet up with me at the end of this rotation in, so we can have some semblance of a summer holiday like those in the southern hemisphere. Long way to come for a long weekend, but it will be worth it. I have added a few extra days at the end with no work so we can do some touristy things and simply grab as much sun as we possibly can.

It was a great time at home this time. Sorry no photos of New Years Celebrations as it was pretty quiet here.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Neil Diamond - Be

We just dusted off Jonathon Livingstone Seagull tonight.

"Written by: neil diamond

On a painted sky
Where the clouds are hung
For the poets eye
You may find him
If you may find him

On a distant shore
By the wings of dreams
Through an open door
You may know him
If you may

As a page that aches for words
Which speaks on a theme thats timeless
While the sun God will make for your day
As a song in search of a voice that is silent
And the one God will make for your way

And we dance
To a whispered voice
Overheard by the sould
Undertook by the heart
And you may know it
If you may know it

While the sand
Would become the stone
Which begat the spark
Turned to living bone
Holy, holy
Sanctus, sanctus

As a page that aches for word
Which speaks on a theme that is timeless
While the sun God will make for your day
As a song in search of a voice that is silent
And the one God will make for your day"

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Not a lot happening here if late. Sue and the doglets are housebound on account of the sub zero temperatures and snow that just will not go away, the doglets are going a little stir crazy I might add. Sue says lucky she has her work, as one can only watch so many classic movies in a day can't one!

I hear in the news that even Portugal is standing gobsmacked by sub zero conditions.

Wikipedia had this to say on the conditions of the day...ours was of the third variety.

"Whiteout (weather)

Whiteout is a weather condition in which visibility and contrast are severely reduced by snow and diffuse lighting from overcast clouds.

There are three different forms of a whiteout:

1. In blizzard conditions, the windblown snow in the air may make it too difficult to see very far.
2. In snowfall conditions, the volume of snow falling may obscure objects reducing visibility.
3. In clear air conditions, when there is no snow falling, diffuse lighting from overcast cloud may cause all surface definition to disappear.

It becomes impossible to tell how far away the snowy surface is. In polar regions this optical illusion can make whole snow-covered mountains invisible against the background white cloud, and the horizon cannot be identified, slopes cannot be judged for steepness, and snow surfaces cannot be seen. This effect is exacerbated by a smooth surface of fresh snow. It is only when a contrasting object is placed on a snowy surface that the surface can be detected.

In less extreme cases, it may suffice to break the snow surface by throwing a snowball ahead. This form is also known as flat light or sector whiteout.

Whiteout conditions pose threats to mountain climbers, skiers, aviation, and mobile ground traffic. Motorists, especially those on large high speed routes are also at risk. There have been many major multiple-vehicle collisions associated with whiteout conditions.

See also
Air New Zealand Flight 901, an air accident on Mount Erebus, Antarctica caused in part by whiteout conditions.

Climbing incidents on Mount Hood: all recent incidents have been caused by whiteouts."

Monday, January 5, 2009

Snow, Snow and more Snow in Huldenberg

Well, things took a dramatic turn last night, it had been snowing on and off the last couple of days, but last night saw the winter really show it's self with avengance. There is about 10 cm of snow out there now. It has been snowing all day today.

Saturday and Sunday saw us pottering around the yard testing the stormwater drains to see where the water was collecting and realising the storm water went out onto the road (yipee) and the system for collecting the kitchen waste was not doing it's job properly. Mike sorted out some drainage from the garage so we can now put the washing machine in the garage and lessen the load off the system for collecting the kitchen waste. Lucky he is a Mr Fixit- he also realised how much he enjoyed fitting again - or was it just fixing things - the later I presume.

What fun I hear you say? Sure was in freezing conditions, we had to go inside every few hours to let our toes thaw out again. Mike started digging a new sump and Sue moved a small old stack of fire wood, some inside and some to the larger stack and got a good tarp on it. Just in the nick of time, before the snow really set in.

Gosh we relly are country bumpkins now, sorting out waste tanks ... we even bought ourselves some gumboots last week.

Only just a tad jealous of Paula and Brett swanning around Brizzy on their boat.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Minus 5

We thought you might like to see what minus 5 looked like.

It certainly is a white new year! We took these pictures yesterday, while the frost was still on the trees, then it warmed up overnight - it was only minus 1.7 during the night and has been hanging around zero today. We decided to get out in the yard to clean up a few things things this morning and it started to snow! So now we have a nice wee white dusting - nothing too serious to screw up the roads.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! All the best to one and all for an excellent 2009. I can feel this one is going to be a goodie. It got off to a good start with no hangovers - on account of getting into bed before 10pm last night. But we still saw in the new year as the neighbours fireworks woke us up on the dot of 00:00...mental note better get onto the new years message...

Little Britain - Anne Decorates For Christmas

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Day 2008

Well, today is the day after boxing day and we have had a wonderful couple of days with visitors galore. Who would have believed that we would be sitting in our own home in Belgium, and have both Vennik and Morch family for Christmas day lunch - lunch that went on for hours, actually...

We started with Froie Gras and Sauterne ...
and ended with Pavlova and a wonderful sponge cake that the Bussem Venniks had made to warm our home.

A gezelig day had by all...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Chistmas

Well, it Christmas eve and it's been a busy day today, getting all those last minute things done. I decided to go to the supermarket first thing after dropping Mike off at work and it was still nuts. There were heaps of people that decided to do the same thing and within 10 minutes of opening it looks like a Saturday afternoon. Alas no hams in Belgium, so we have beef and Chicken.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Zurich Airport

Yay! I am so 'connected' now. Sitting in Zurich airport with my new toy, surfing the internet with wifi - I love this world of mobile connectedness...

But the other night I was so frustrated becuase I had bought myself this new toy, and if I couldn't use skype then I was damn well going to just have a bit of a surf. It turned out that day the internet cable between Afirca and Italy had been severed and all traffic to and from the Middle East was affected. It was ridiculously slow or not working at all and I thought I had bought a lemon, but it turned out the next day there was same problems at work and then I found out the cause.

Now I am in Zurich airport and I am so connected! I thought it was an hour earlier, so rang my beloved to tell him I was almost ont the plane, and he was not pleased, as it was only 0730 - Sunday morning. I thought it was 0830 - and then found I had an hour to kill - so out came the laptop and I found out how to get connected, I am so proud of myself...

Now I have the next month at home, I am actually looking forward to the cold. Believe it or not it has actually been quite cold in Oman this last week. the Omani's are wandering around with scarves, still with sandals on their feet though - quite comical realy as it is still 20-25 during the day and when the sun is out it gets over 25 degrees C that is. It has been cloudy and was probabaly about 18 - 20 degrees the day I left. It also rained the night before - apparently December is when they get all their rain.

Well, off to get on the plane...ciao for now...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Band Aid

They are playing Christmas songs in Oman - it's kind of weird - this has to be one of my favourites - I have heard it a lot lately. I can not believe it was almost 25 years ago! Arrggghhhh!!!

Going home tomorrow

Yay, it has been a very long two weeks! The day I arrived, two of my collegues were coughing and spluttering and sure enough two days later I came down with the lurgi - and I have actually been quite sick since. But now seeing as one is working for one's self there is no sick leave anymore... So I struggled on and finally tomorrow I get to go home and relax for a bit.

I also bought myself a new toy yesterday - a laptop - so that I could download skype and be able to do video conferencing with my beloved's while I am away. But I knew that the Omani government has blocked skype - I thought I would try a work around somehow - lucky one has an IT versed husband. We'll see what we can do when I get home.

I also got to have a cultural experience. An Indian collegue of mine invited me and another collegue to his house for dinner. He has been promising us a genuine Indian meal and now that his wife has arrived from Delhi we were invited to sample some Indian cuisine. It was an interesting night. We drank red wine from Chile, in the company of a Kiwi, Scott and Englishman from Yorkshire, in the home of the hosts from India sampling Indian fine food. It was wonderful, and mighty spicy, even though they promised us they had made it mild especially for us.

Get back home on Sunday morning - just in time for Christmas. Have a month at home this time - thanks to Christmas time and some f=good negotation skills. Looking forward to hosting in our new home this year - Santa better bloody come this year otherwise I am going to be mighty miffed! He never did the last couple of years, and I am sure it was becuase he was a bit confused with the move - not at all to do with the fact that we might not have been good... Perhaps ...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Sometimes you just need a little inspiration. Instead of, like markJ, who when uninspired blogs youtube music videos, as I often do, I decided this time to take some inspiration from the opening line of someone eles's blogg and ran with it.

And like all pairs of sisters, of mine
We understand the secrets together
We know the moments we have left behind
Keep us allied beyond forever

Because, we know, like all pairs of sisters
It does not matter if we share the same blood
Nor the same gender, as some would insist
It’s the unity we know that creates our own love

Monday, December 1, 2008

Creature Comforts

Monday, November 24, 2008


Well we got the snow that they predicted this weekend. The photos here show a nice light dusting on Saturday and then on Sunday we got several inches as it snowed most of the afternoon and evening. We had some friends for lunch and spent a nice warm afternoon inside watching it snow outside, by 3ish they decided to leave as the snow started to settle on the car, for fears of not getting home.

It has warmed up over night - to about 3 degrees so most of the snow melted overnight. Nice to have the prettiness on the weekend but no hassle for Mik to have to hit the road to work this morning.

Sue's Home

Back again from another tour in Oman. It has gotten a lot cooler there now. When I left the office round 6pm on my last day, the sun had gone down and it was noticeably cooler, funny how 25 degrees all of a sudden feels cool.

But then I got back to Brussel the next morning and it was about 8 degrees - brrrr - now that is cold! Luckily my beloved brought me a jacket, as I decided to leave it in the car when I left - to avoid havng to haul it to Oman and back again. But I like the cold, especially when you ahve a nice warm house or boots and a nice warm jacket. I have had a really nice week just pottering around and cooking and cleaning until my heart is content - now I need to get back into some work again.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mispronouncers Anonymous

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's pretty grand here at The Grand Hyatt...

Had an interesting couple of days. For the last couple of days I had to go through security to get into the hotel, as apparently the Prime Minister of India is staying here also for a few days. Haven't got an invite to the ball though - they are obviously not aware that I am in country, other wise I am sure I would have recieved an invitation. No staying here in December though as the Sultan has booked it, and two other hotels up for a GCC Conference. So it is back to the Radisson. But the good news is I found a really good restaraunt that is walking distance from the Radisson - it is Turkish and I went there tonight with a bunch a peole from work. Beautiful food and cheap! It only cost about 5 Rials = 10 Euros for starters and a main. I had grilled Hamour fish - it was the whole fish and it was yummy.

7 more sleeps and I get to knuffle my three boys again...

Friday, November 7, 2008

A slice of Dubai

Back in Muscat today. For those of you whom I did not tell I was going to Dubai, I was there for work. Lot's of work and a little sightseeing, but there is so much to see, so I am sure I will have to go back again - definitely with my beloved one, when I have some time to see some more sights. I really only had one afternoon, so I did the bus tour round the city. It was worthwhile when you have little time, but it made me realise that there is so much to see and do. I made it to the the Palm Island Jumeira, which you can get a pretty good view of here...

Or if you in the real estate market you can click on this... that was seriously impressive.

What seriously impressed me was the lobby of the Grand Hyatt Muscat, when I first walked in. They do not do things by halves in the Arab world - that is for sure.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Another new city - Dubai

Well , here I am sitting in a hotel in Dubai now. What on earth? - well yes I am getting round a bit for sure. I tell you what Dubai - as Jo and Steve know - is amazing. It is like the 29th century has been plonked down in the middle of 19th century Middle East.

The city is fantasical at night - a bit like The Emerald City - I think - not that I have seen it, but as I had imagined it. I found out this morning, after drawing back the curtains that I have a great view of the skysrcaper -cityscape from my hotel window, with a dwarfed Mosque in front.
The photo speaks more words than I can!

I have to tell you of my latest cultural experience last week in Oman. A collegue of mine, who is Indian invited me and my other collegues to an Indian bar, where there was Indian dancing girls. Looking around, I said, "Are you sure we are allowed to be here?" - "Oh yes, no problem. I was here last week and I saw some white people here." - "No", says I, "I mean is this a male club?". "Oh yeah, but that is OK."... "OK", I said, "they are not going to take their clothes off are they?" No ... thank goodness they didn't, and I had a really wonderful evening admiring the beautiful silk dresses and way in which they moved. It was very respectfull, more than I can say about my cultural experience in China, several years ago. But then I can not tell that story - certainly not in the blogg - even though I do not work for that company anymore, and come to think of it - neither does anyone else that was there....interesting...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Fun in France

A Chateau we visited on Sunday morning - Mik caught the image in the lake also.
Wine tasting - after this one we totally filled up the car to the brim...

Our little home for the weekend - a sweet little cottage in a country village...

Picnicing at Versailles

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Back ... in Oman

So why did I only blog twice in the last three weeks?

Because of previous posts one is likely to assume that the silence has been due to unhappiness – but au contraire mon ami – this time, it has been due to major busyness – and a bit of writers block really - normally it is evening time when I am able to write and well, wanted to spend every possible moment with mon cheri - haven't I? I have had, I think the most happiest 3 weeks in a long long time. It was a wonderful feeling to move into a house that we own again, and it really feels like home – we feel like part of the community now and Mik is in major fix it mode - kinda necessary really - another story for another blog. I even spoke Dutch by myself (without Mik for support) with the Fokers (dog breeders – they do not speak English), when I dropped off and picked up F&F last weekend. We went to Loire Valley in France for the weekend and I even dusted off, what little French I could muster too! The Fokers even complimented me how well I was speaking too – very proud!

We moved into our new house, with all the big furniture being moved on the 13th of this month and around either side of that we have been moving anything that could fit in the car ourselves. Tell you what it has been a mission – that and Mik putting up fencing to allow the doglets to roam around in safety and putting in a doglet door (one for large cats actually – that I am sure Picasso would not make it through) so they can come in and out during the day as they please. And the timing is impeccable as Mik tells me it is minus 1.5 degrees in Huldenberg this morning. Me? Yip made it back to Oman – day one today of my second rotation. Luckily it has cooled off – phew – it is only 30 degrees now when I go and come home from work – during the day it is only reaching 35. I got myself a car this time so I can roam a little bit further than office and hotel.

Speaking of roaming, today someone told me they found a good wine called Goats do Roam. I said “I think you mean Cote du Rhone sweetheart”. “No seriously,” he said “it is called Goats do Roam from Australia I think?”. “Aha’” says I, “surely, that is something the Aussies would do”. But tonight I find on the room service menu – there it is and it is from South Africa! Just a sec and I can let you know if it is any good ... a novelty wine I think! It’s a bit harsh – but then I have been a bit spoilt lately.

Photos soon to follow from weekend in Loire Valley – we went with our French friends who live in Leuven and we had a wonderful time – absolutely knaffed on Monday but would not trade it for nothing. Between us we brought back slightly over our limit per car load – 90 L of wine! Yip we had a great time!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Red State Update: Sarah Palin Picked As McCain's VP

Even though I promised myself that I was not going to blog anything political, I had to do this one. "Sarah Palin is gonna make a terruffic VP!"

Broadening the mind is healthy

Travel is fatal to bigotry, prejudice and narrow-mindedness. Broad wholesomeness and charitable views cannot be acquired by vegetating in one tiny corner of the globe.
Mark Twain.

Borrowed from Di at

Muscat from the Hotel Window

I am now back home, day 2 of time at home. The last weeks was a wirlwind as my friend and collegue arrived and we spent time cathing up and seeing a little bit around. As we were both working we managed to visit some restaraunts, the mall, and the market (sooq) at the Muscat port. Belgium has really chilled off, the days are around 15 degrees and the autumn is here for sure. The leaves are changing colour - I am frozen after being in the desert for three weeks.

Sue & Ronaye at the sooq...

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